Poetry: A Pair of Troopers

shotgun fire so i shroud my fear
in comforting the dog who’s cowering

my whispers like motherly words,
as of the warmth as of the womb
as of the silent blanket drawn
over us and under the moon
protecting our heart from the inside out

a world so far away, so very still, so very near
the all too unfamiliar feeling of ghosts now passed
coercing a future into ghastly ferocity

and as you’re freely falling one wonders
when and whether one should pull the rip cord or not

and as time trickles past, you’re reminded
of the very reason that we’re here…

so we would know that
we weren’t alone


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Poetry: at least for today


at least for today

every fragmented memory like a lifetime ago
and i sit in wonder was it even me
as this moment now is all that i know


and i wrote a song the other day… so at least this i know,
that i took some time to play and i recorded it so
i would remember that this was me someday


and as i sit here simply letting this lovely song play
I’m reminded of a purpose that seems, more or less still
and yet so far away


and i feel no more of the dismay.
well, at least not for today anyway

Neal Visher - At Least For Today.png

Thank you for your time, comments, likes & shares.

Neal Visher

DesignByNV ©2020